Morphic Resonance
Morphic resonance suggests that there’s a kind of memory in nature – patterns that living things inherit not just through DNA, but through a field of information that connects all life. Think of it like this: when a flock of birds turns in perfect unison, or when a species seems to "know" how to adapt to a new environment, it’s not just instinct at play. According to Sheldrake, these behaviors are shaped by a shared collective memory, reinforced by those who came before. The theory pushes us to consider that nothing in nature exists in isolation; we are all part of a living, learning system.
This interconnectedness extends to consciousness, too. Sheldrake’s research includes phenomena like telepathy and the feeling of being watched – those moments when we sense a connection that defies explanation. While his ideas remain controversial, they open up a space for curiosity, urging us to rethink the boundaries between science and spirit.
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