We Become The Waves
“It isn't by getting out of the world that we become enlightened, but by getting into the world…by getting so tuned in that we can ride the waves of our existence and never get tossed because we become the waves.” – Ken Kesey
Ken Kesey was the link between beatniks and hippies. He was the spark of inspiration that led to the music of The Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane. He was an electric leader, the voice of a generation, and the rebel that blew everyone’s mind.
#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #intention #greatspirit #KenKesey #ElectricAcidKoolAidTest
Ken Kesey was the link between beatniks and hippies. He was the spark of inspiration that led to the music of The Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane. He was an electric leader, the voice of a generation, and the rebel that blew everyone’s mind.
#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #intention #greatspirit #KenKesey #ElectricAcidKoolAidTest