Zodiac High: Capricorn
Zodiac High:
Capricorn + Cadillac Rainbows
A solid strain for a solid star-sign, this match is complementary in so many dimensions. Capricorns, always aware of the long-game, aren’t afraid to look through their prisms into the future and aren’t deterred by five-ten-fifteen year plans. They have the patience. Cadillac Rainbows also has the patience. A heavy indica strain, this medicine has the effect of being calming, steady, and soothing – whilst also having the long-game in its sights. Often described as being a bit of a “creeper,” it may take a while for its effects to hit, but they always do and they’re always good.
#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #intention #zodiac #Capricorn #strain #starsign
Capricorn + Cadillac Rainbows
A solid strain for a solid star-sign, this match is complementary in so many dimensions. Capricorns, always aware of the long-game, aren’t afraid to look through their prisms into the future and aren’t deterred by five-ten-fifteen year plans. They have the patience. Cadillac Rainbows also has the patience. A heavy indica strain, this medicine has the effect of being calming, steady, and soothing – whilst also having the long-game in its sights. Often described as being a bit of a “creeper,” it may take a while for its effects to hit, but they always do and they’re always good.
#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #intention #zodiac #Capricorn #strain #starsign