Zodiac High: Pisces
Zodiac High:
Pisces + Caribbean BJ
A strain for the explorers of paradise – whether these adventures traverse the actual world or realms of the psyche. Caribbean BJ is perfect for kicking back and relaxing on a white sandy shore somewhere. With its characteristic aroma of mango, piña coladas, and fuel, you’ll be transported straight to the heaven of your imagination – to a swaying hammock in the sun, the sound of waves and music lulling you into a care-free daze. This indica-dominant hybrid is delicious; it’s smoke heavy and smooth. Perfect for a lazy afternoon in paradise, wherever you are.
#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #intention #zodiac #Pisces #strain #starsign
Pisces + Caribbean BJ
A strain for the explorers of paradise – whether these adventures traverse the actual world or realms of the psyche. Caribbean BJ is perfect for kicking back and relaxing on a white sandy shore somewhere. With its characteristic aroma of mango, piña coladas, and fuel, you’ll be transported straight to the heaven of your imagination – to a swaying hammock in the sun, the sound of waves and music lulling you into a care-free daze. This indica-dominant hybrid is delicious; it’s smoke heavy and smooth. Perfect for a lazy afternoon in paradise, wherever you are.
#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #intention #zodiac #Pisces #strain #starsign