Zodiac High: Aries

Zodiac High: Aries

Zodiac High:
Aries + Wet Dream
You’d think, with a racy little name like Wet Dream, that this strain would be the kind that sends you into a pleasurable, bed-bound daze. In actuality, though, this sativa-dominant hybrid strikes the perfect balance between activating the mind and the body. Perfect for the passionate, motivated Ariens. Take a couple of sweet, blueberry-tasting tokes and emerge through rich, smooth smoke to a world enhanced by a buzzy and focused mental state. This upbeat spark of energy is perfect for a morning sesh, easing you into the day without the racing charge that can sometimes be typical of the headstrong characters with this star sign. Perfect for getting out of a creative rut, chasing waterfalls, and giggling with your friends.

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