Persian Art
Persian art has one of the richest and oldest histories in the world. There is art from this part of the world dating to 5000 BCE. There are ornate rock carvings in Iran from around 2000 BCE. In the Achaemenid Empire, the Persian style became even more diverse. Given how many cultures were included within the empire, the artistic practices became a hybrid. It created exquisite gold drinking vessels. It made massive carved columns with animals hewn into their tops. One of the most elaborate, existent pieces from the Achaemenid Empire is the Behistun rock relief. The Behistun rock relief is a carving in a cliff face of Persian king Darius I. It is eighty feet long and fifty feet high. The Behistun rock relief has engravings on it in three different languages, revealing how diverse and multicultural that empire could be.
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