What Would It Be Like To Get High In Space?

What Would It Be Like To Get High In Space?

Astronauts have been getting high for a very long time. Almost 385,000 kilometres high, to be exact, for those lucky enough to have reached the moon. But with all this talk about finding a home on Mars when Earth gets too hot, has anyone thought about what it would be like to get high in space? You’d think full-time tripper/astrologist Neil deGrasse Tyson would be all about it, but in a recent interview, he speaks against the prospect saying, “If you do anything to alter your understanding of what is reality, that's not in the interest of your health. If you want to get high in space, lock yourself in your cabin, and don't come out. 'Cause you could break stuff inadvertently."

While Elon Musk pioneers the race to build the first cabin in space, we’re going to explore cannabis in space. Stay tuned for astro-agriculture, hemp astronauts, and ideas about how this great spirit can save a burning planet.

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