Cannabis in Space
While some scientists are trying to slow down or reverse the effects of climate change, other scientists are scheming their earth exit strategy. By trialling the viability of different living things in space, they’re hoping to get a better idea of whether we’d survive up there, too.
Among the various life forms that they’re sending up is cannabis. An agricultural biotech company called Front Range Biosciences sent cell culture of the hemp plant up to the International Space Station in 2020. The idea is to see if the cells develop any genetic mutations while they’re up there, and whether the plants might be happy and healthy in their new celestial, zero-gravity home.
Life on mars… what do you think?
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Among the various life forms that they’re sending up is cannabis. An agricultural biotech company called Front Range Biosciences sent cell culture of the hemp plant up to the International Space Station in 2020. The idea is to see if the cells develop any genetic mutations while they’re up there, and whether the plants might be happy and healthy in their new celestial, zero-gravity home.
Life on mars… what do you think?
#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #intention #greatspirit #space #earth #mars #high